Thank you Kim for a thought provoking newsletter (I really like the hopeful title too)! As a parent, the part about birthday parties spoke to me the most. While climate change is scary for me personally, to think about how it will/may affect my kids and future generations is heart breaking. As I'm currently on parental leave I'm thinking about checking if there's interest enough for a parent group focused on climate/environment and sustainability where I live. While talking to other parents about diapers and development phases is interesting, I feel like we're losing track of the really important issues that we're facing and what we can do about it. I think this newsletter could be a good material to focus discussions around - accessible enough for sleep deprived parents! If anyone on parental leave in Lund, Sweden is reading this, feel free to reach out!

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Lina, thanks for reading, and thank you so much for this thoughtful comment! I love the idea of a parent's group to discuss climate and sustainability. And I'm super happy to give sleep-deprived parents some reading material! :) Good luck with starting the group! I hope some other readers get in touch with you! And I'll DM you some names of friends on parental leave who might be interested.

Everyone, please feel free to use the newsletter as a discussion point with friends, or in a book or article club if it's helpful!

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Came to this old newsletter post from a link on the aftonbladet debate article. I looked at the source for more female parliamentarians leading to reduced emissions and it's really interesting... the article doesn't really offer any explanations, but do you have any guesses for why this might be the case?

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