Choose Your Own Adventure: Climate Action
Evidence-based guide to focus on what you can do that really makes a difference🦮 | Feelings: Gratitude 🙏
I’ve compiled scientific research on effective climate action. Answer a few questions, and I’ll recommend the specific, highest-impact actions you can take.
Action: Choose Your Own Adventure
Hi friends,
It’s time to share something I’ve been working on for a really long time. It’s a personalized, interactive guide to high-impact climate action. A Choose Your Own Adventure: Climate Action edition, if you will.
I’m sharing it here first, for you, my lovely readers. I would love for you to test it out and share your feedback!
What makes this guide different?
It’s based on research quantifying the most effective, high-impact climate actions.
It's not about doing a million small things, hoping that "every little bit helps.” Rather, it's about identifying the few big things where research shows your actions can substantially move the needle.
It personalizes its guidance based on your answers, so you’ll automatically be directed to the next specific action you should take to have the biggest impact. No more analysis paralysis.
It focuses on the actions you can take that are most likely to contribute to system change, while also maximizing the emissions you reduce here and now.
It goes beyond just your carbon footprint to include your 5 Climate Superpowers- as a citizen, professional, investor, consumer, and role model.
It includes feedback from you, We Can Fix It readers, from a survey and your comments on what you most need to focus your limited time and energy on doing what really matters for the climate. Thanks for all your input so far- please check it out and let me know what you think!

Feelings: Gratitude 🙏
I’ve been floored by your responses to my last couple posts, where I shared that my mom died, and that I’m still riding the waves of grief. It has meant so much to me to hear your kind words and support. I feel so grateful to share the humbling and unsettling experience of loss with so many wise and good people. And I feel encouraged to be on Team Climate with so many people who are working so hard both to heal the climate, and take care of each other.
Some of my favorite responses:
“Take the time you need, we’ll be here.”
“I appreciate your honesty in sharing your loss of your mom. I’m going through a loss [from yesterday to 30 years ago]. I can relate to what you write. It makes me feel less alone.”
“It’s okay to pass the baton and to rest. You’ve done work in the past that others who have energy right now can use and carry forward.”
“I ran a workshop last month based on some of your work, and it went great!”
Thank you, thank you, thank you. ❤️
What an offering!! Amazing work Kim, congrats and thank you for this resource. I look forward to checking it out and sharing it.
Incredible resource! Thank you Prof. Nicholas. Are you aware of any similar type resource for young people (i.e. teens)?