I am still so fascinated with the fact that flying is number 1 and that no one seems to be talking about that here in the U.S! Feeling okay-ish about that one, I can count on two hands (ok, possibly two hands and 2 fingers-ish) the number of times I've flown in my life. I have a question regarding beef consumption. I've studied grass-fed and finished beef and it seems to me that there must be a drastically lessened impact for grass-fed and finished beef, especially on a farm where farmers have their forage management down to a fine art (some can even avoid feeding hay in the winter, they are that good at growing forage and managing fertilizer poo via intensive rotational grazing). Are there any studies on this? It seems that if you don't have the inputs/fuel for growing/harvesting/feeding/corn plus you aren't taking up arable land with that patch of corn, that the impact would be greatly reduced (though obviously still not as good as going veg!).

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Hi Jennifer, thanks so much for reading!

There are lots of folks working hard on reducing flying in the US; see https://flightfree.org/ and https://academicflyingblog.wordpress.com/. :)

Regarding beef production, the short answer is, even the best-produced beef (as you describe) emits about 20x more greenhouse gases than comparable plant-based protein (see Figure 1 here: https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.aaq0216; overview and explainer here: https://ourworldindata.org/vox-carbon-footprint). A recent review of the literature: https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/downloads/reports/fcrn_gnc_report.pdf

Check out Chapter 10 in Under the Sky We Make, "Food Shouldn't Come From A Factory," for more on the potential role for animals in a healthy and sustainable food system. :)

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Thank you Kim, as usual a nice read! The first part of this newsletter made me think of the satire comic that Liv Strömquist and the Knife made a few years ago, about ending extreme wealth: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_562920c8e4b0aac0b8fc0e25. Can't remember if I already shared it with you but I think it's really thought provoking and worth sharing again! Have a nice vacation!

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Oh Lina, that comic is a treasure, thank you so much for sharing!! I will use that in talks for sure. We just published a new study on the roles the wealthy can play to lock in or stop climate change; I'll write about it in the next newsletter! :) Thanks for reading and commenting!

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