And - I didn't know your mum, but I have been reading the terrific work of her daughter for a good while now, and if it's an indicator of what a decent and planet-sized-brained person she was, she was incredible indeed.
Thank you for what you do, and I'm sorry this is such a rough time for you. (And I hope you can take exactly as much time as you need, and maybe a bit more time, with no pressure to get back to things over here. We'll all wait - and we *want* to wait, too.)
I'm so sorry for your loss, and am glad to hear that you are surrounded by supportive people! Thank you for sharing this invaluable advice with all of us, too.
Dear Kim, I'm so sorry. Unexpected is different, too. "Waves" is right, that's how I experienced it (same club). And it seems like you're already doing what I remember best, being borne up by people that appeared as if from nowhere. I send a big hug. Richard
I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for the invaluable work that you do, and for sharing such a personal post. I have a friend going through this, and am so grateful for your suggestions on ways to help. Wishing you and your family comfort and love.
I never commented here before. Thank you for your work, and for sharing at such a vulnerable time. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. And I'm so glad you have so many wise and helpful people in your life. Warm regards from Germany (also with a wonderful daughter near Lund)
I’m so sorry for your loss. Your mother sounds like she was truly a force of nature. I admire your work and appreciate how she must have contributed to your development and your commitment to doing good, important work.
I'm so sorry, Kim. Thanks for being real about the rest of life that goes on alongside work and climate stuff. Your mum sounds like a really wonderful woman.
I'm so sorry to hear the news. Thanks for sharing the notes that you received in the form of the newsletter! I've (fortunately) never faced any close people pass away yet, and I have had so much anxiety over what to say or do when my friends have had to face it.
Please do take care of yourself! Warm wishes from Uppsala. /sachiko
What a beautiful life! I’m touched by her passions for education and painting and especially the fortune cookie story! 😂 May you be held by much love during this tender time.
Thank you Kimberley for sharing your loss. I know about the impact of loosing your mum. I feel even more connected now to our mission.
I am so, so sorry to hear.
And - I didn't know your mum, but I have been reading the terrific work of her daughter for a good while now, and if it's an indicator of what a decent and planet-sized-brained person she was, she was incredible indeed.
Thank you for what you do, and I'm sorry this is such a rough time for you. (And I hope you can take exactly as much time as you need, and maybe a bit more time, with no pressure to get back to things over here. We'll all wait - and we *want* to wait, too.)
I am sorry for your loss dear
Sending so much love <3
I’m so very sorry. So much love to you. I know it is like to lose your mom suddenly and unexpectedly, and I’d never wish it for anyone.
I love you Kimmy❤️💔❤️
I'm so sorry for your loss, and am glad to hear that you are surrounded by supportive people! Thank you for sharing this invaluable advice with all of us, too.
Dear Kim, I'm so sorry. Unexpected is different, too. "Waves" is right, that's how I experienced it (same club). And it seems like you're already doing what I remember best, being borne up by people that appeared as if from nowhere. I send a big hug. Richard
I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for the invaluable work that you do, and for sharing such a personal post. I have a friend going through this, and am so grateful for your suggestions on ways to help. Wishing you and your family comfort and love.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and sending you a big hug, Apa
I never commented here before. Thank you for your work, and for sharing at such a vulnerable time. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. And I'm so glad you have so many wise and helpful people in your life. Warm regards from Germany (also with a wonderful daughter near Lund)
I’m so sorry for your loss. Your mother sounds like she was truly a force of nature. I admire your work and appreciate how she must have contributed to your development and your commitment to doing good, important work.
Oh, I am so sorry, Kim.
I'm so sorry, Kim. Thanks for being real about the rest of life that goes on alongside work and climate stuff. Your mum sounds like a really wonderful woman.
I'm so sorry to hear the news. Thanks for sharing the notes that you received in the form of the newsletter! I've (fortunately) never faced any close people pass away yet, and I have had so much anxiety over what to say or do when my friends have had to face it.
Please do take care of yourself! Warm wishes from Uppsala. /sachiko
What a beautiful life! I’m touched by her passions for education and painting and especially the fortune cookie story! 😂 May you be held by much love during this tender time.